Japanese manufacturer fears red tape will hit profits after TEPCO confirms meltdowns at three Fukushima reactors
Tepco suffers biggest deficit by Japanese firm outside financial sector as it deals with failures that followed natural disaster
Weightman review says UK nuclear plants are not at risk from natural forces that devastated Fukushima and green-lights future plans
Breach of vessel containing fuel rods increases likelihood that rods have been exposed and radioactive water has leaked
Yoshinori Ueda, director of Japanese wind energy association, urges government to pass feed in tariff law to boost renewables
But increase in fossil fuel use following last month's earthquake could see output on the increase
Fukushima Daiichi power plant emergency is now on a par with the 1986 Chernobyl warning
As protestors swoop on central London, energy minister insists nuclear remains key part of UK plans
Tom Young explores what Japan's ongoing nuclear disaster has taught the green business community
Regulators say approvals for new stations will wait for outcome of Weightman report in September