Prime Minister's speech to Labour Party Conference places clean energy at heart of government's plans to build 'a Britain that belongs to you'
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is expected to set out vision to boost growth across the UK economy, as she rules out a return to austerity
New data from Cornwall Insight confirms energy costs for small businesses are still 70 per cent higher than their pre-crisis levels - and are set to rise again
Prime Minister stresses centrality of GB Energy and green growth, as Labour promises to tackle 'dire economic inheritance' left by Conservatives
UK Prime Minister and Welsh First Minister Eluned Morgan visit Carmarthenshire wind farm to discuss their governments’ respective clean energy companies
Government announces 'unprecedented' partnership as it also introduces trailed bills for Great British Energy and The Crown Estate to Parliament today
Coalition including National Grid, E3G, Green Alliance, and Aldersgate Group warn the UK is falling behind in the global race to build successful green industries
Rachel Reeves to declare there is 'no time to waste', as she addresses business leaders for the first time as Chancellor
The new government's climate plans are bolder and more radical than many people realise - it now has a duty to put them into action
Whichever way you slice the election results, parties that supported bold climate action have trounced those that advocated for weaker environmental policies