The latest report from the Energy Transitions Commission has set out a roadmap for how the world can move on to a 1.5C warming trajectory over the course of the coming decade
Crossbench peer and chair of the Energy Transitions Commission tells pensions conference net zero infrastructure investments can offer better returns than gilts
As the Committee on Climate Change gears up to provide its hotly-anticipated net zero advice to the government, green economy experts explain what to expect
It is technically and financially possible to decarbonise heavy industry and transport around the world by 2060, Energy Transitions Commission concludes
Big businesses line up to endorse report arguing renewables and wider electrification can cut emissions in half by 2040
Former Climate Change Committee chair optimistic on continuing falls in renewables costs and suggests smart meters should be opt-out rather than opt-in
Lord Turner says 11.5 million more households would fit better insulation if compelled to do so during other renovations
Applications invited as hunt begins to find successor
"It may be that aviation is the place we use fossil fuels," Lord Adair Turner tells London conference
Prime minister tells the Guardian he hopes the EU will agree to a cut in emissions of 30% by 2020