The CBI's Carolyn Fairbairn argues the government's Industrial Strategy must deliver a clear and credible plan for slashing UK greenhouse gas emissions and driving clean growth
Official government projections could reveal an exciting shift in the UK's plans to decarbonise its power grid
Behind the bleak geopolitical headlines, the catalysing effect of the Paris Agreement on the world's most influential businesses is beginning to be felt
The Prince of Wales' latest venture should be a gift to boardrooms everywhere
TechUK's Susanne Baker reckons a perfect policy storm is brewing for green technologies
From support for electric cars to promises to tackle the skills crunch, there is a lot for green businesses to like in the government's proposed strategy - but does it go far enough?
But Green Paper stresses government commitment to cutting emissions is 'settled policy position'
Host of clean tech and environmental industries expected to benefit from wide-ranging new industrial strategy
Latest Office for National Statistics data covers jobs and output of UK environmental goods and services sector 2010-14
Michael Liebreich reflects on the startling similarities between the arguments for and against the low carbon transition