First-of-its-kind analysis warns keeping nature and climate policy and transition planning separate is 'misguided'
Guidance builds on established work on climate and net zero transition planning guidance for businesses, according to Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
Companies boasting $6.5tr in market capitalisation have now committed to assessing and disclosing their nature-related risks and dependencies in line with TNFD recommendations
Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment encourages SME professionals to start work on measuring and disclosing nature risks and dependencies against TNFD framework
Half the world’s GDP depends on nature but only five per cent of companies have goals for addressing biodiversity loss.
Investor-led engagement initiative publishes first set of guidelines and benchmarks to aid investors in assessing nature-related risks posed to companies
Science Based Targets Network is aiming to have its validation process up and running in 2024 for companies to set a suite of targets tackle their environmental impacts
CDP calls for more comprehensive environmental risk reporting as hundreds of organisations back ISSB’s sustainability disclosure standards
PwC launches new Centre for Nature Positive Business, as fresh research reveals $58tr of economic activity faces material risks from nature-related impacts
ClimateWise group sets out roadmap for insurers and reinsurers to take nature into account when underwriting escalating risks