Almost three quarters of homes in England and Wales are still exclusively warmed by gas central heating, a drop of just four per cent in 10 years
Growing mountain of evidence underscores huge importance of attaching energy saving awareness campaigns to rollout of measures such as insulation and heat pumps
Exclusive: Research from Nesta points to major savings heat pump deployment can deliver for the UK economy, the government, and consumers as gas prices continue to soar
Nesta's Andrew Sissons charts how soaring gas prices are making the economics of heat pumps stack up
New campaign estimates households could save £120 a year on energy bills if they adjust the temperature flow setting of their fossil gas boilers
Charity Nesta warns that the cost-of-living crisis could 'deepen' rapidly without immediate action from government to curb energy demand
The relationship between net zero policy and productivity is sometimes complex, but with the right policy planning the latter can help drive the former, fresh analysis argues
Behavioural Insights Team and Nesta conduct trial that suggests around a quarter of households could be interested in installing heat pumps even at current high prices
VIDEO: Chief executive of UK innovation foundation chats to BusinessGreen's James Murray about getting consumers onside with the household energy transition
Nesta Challenge's Constance Agyeman makes the case for human centred design to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals