Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga uses first address since taking office last month to vow cut in Japan's greenhouse gases to net zero by 2050
Pledge hailed as first for consultancy sector will see firm invest in skills, R&D and innovation to drive greener designs and advisory services, it said
NLGPS joins Make My Money Matter pledge to align its £46bn investment portfolio with Paris Agreement's 1.5C goal
Our Global Investor Study 2020 reveals investor and consumer views on company responsibility for tackling climate change, writes Schroders' Vicki Owen
New 'Principles for Paris-alignment' published as corporates face growing criticism over toothless climate pledges
From Amazon, to Uber and Walmart, major companies have pledged to transition their fleets away from fossil fuels, and the result could be transformative for the automotive sector
Nikkei news agency reports that major speech expected next week that will see Japan match the EU in formally setting an economy-wide net zero target
VIDEO: Chief executive of the energy giant joins BusinessGreen to discuss the monumental change seen across the energy sector during his 22 years at the firm
Morten Nilsson explains why the BTPS is aiming to be net zero on carbon emissions by 2035, and how it plans to get there
Waitrose and John Lewis bring forward net zero goal by 15 years as group outlines new food waste and online delivery strategies