North Sea Transition Authority says the move is a vital step in achieving the government's 2030 target of capturing 20 to 30 million tonnes of CO2 per year
The Crown Estate has partnered with the Rich North Sea programme to harness state-of-the-art modelling to help identify how best to protect marine life
Partnership with rewilding charity ARK Nature aims to ensure biodiversity is protected through clean energy transition
The government is urging the oil and gas industry to ramp up investment in the 'clean energy technologies of the future', but can increased production really become compatible with net zero goals?
Rishi Sunak calls on Bank of England to encourage financial sector to back domestic oil and gas production 'where practical and relevant'
Behavioural Insights Team and Nesta conduct trial that suggests around a quarter of households could be interested in installing heat pumps even at current high prices
Fresh analysis from ECIU think tank urges government to pursue energy security strategy that will best reduce households' vulnerability to volatile international gas market prices
Government says it is working to secure alternative supplies from other regions, such as the US, the Netherlands, and the Gulf, as it prepares wider energy security plan
UK may look to domestic oil and gas sources to reduce reliance on Russia in short term, but Prime Minister insists government will not be abandoning net zero transition
New research exploring the risks associated with new fossil gas infrastructure comes as separate analysis warns North Sea oil and gas extraction is set become a significant burden on UK's public finances