A new report suggests zonal pricing could slash energy costs by up to £5bn a year, but leading trade bodies maintain radical reforms to the electricity market could backfire
Octopus reveals plans to extend 'Zero Bills' offer to existing homes following clean tech upgrades
Report claims zonal pricing could slash £55bn off bills, in same week as new campaign launches to oppose proposals for locational pricing reforms
Coalition of trade bodies and unions warn proposals to switch UK electricity market to zonal pricing risk undermining investment
Service offering members of the public the chance to co-own renewables projects enjoys surge in demand for first two wind turbines on the platform in Yorkshire and Wales
Housebuilder and energy firm start work to build 113 homes at 'UK's largest' Zero Bills development in Essex
Energy giant moves into clean energy crowd-funding market with new FCA regulated investment platform
Anti-EV stance from Reform Party leader Nigel Farage could actually serve to increase public support for electric vehicles, research finds
New survey finds majority of households support net zero - but 71 per cent would only continue to do so if energy bills do not rise further
UK clean tech certification scheme reveals 2024 was a record year for small-scale renewables installations