Food and drinks multinational wants none of its packaging to end up in landfill or as litter within the next seven years
Plastic and cardboard packaging makes up more than a quarter of product weight in some of the UK's best-selling chocolate eggs
Firm joins WWF's climate leadership programme for businesses, committing to reduce its greenhouse gases to 0.25 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of production by 2050
Dutch supermarket chain Ekoplaza first to host plastic-free aisle, where food is wrapped in biodegradeable plastic and packaging is made from metal, glass, and cardboard
Slight year-on-year uptick in household recycling welcomed by industry, but green groups highlight 'packaging waste mountain' revealed by latest Defra figures
Amid growing global concern about the impacts of plastic and other waste, the two global icons have a big appetite for change
Retail giant breaks ranks to declare that 'the continuing defence of current plastic packaging does not resonate with the consumer and general public opinion'
From cutting food waste to ending hunger, Tetra Pak is getting excited about some big-picture sustainable thinking
Drinks giant sets out raft of green pledges, as packaging industry faces criticism for lobbying against deposit return schemes and new EU 'polluter pays' proposals
And if you don't want to eat it, it will dissolve quickly in water