Government bans emergency use of pesticide containing neonicotinoid Cruiser SB, but growers warn move exposes UK sugar beet crops to pests and disease
Blanket ban to be imposed on three specific neonicotinoids in the UK to help protect pollinators estimated to support £500m in annual economic benefits
Science, Innovation, and Technology Committee issues 'clarion call' for government to tackle knowledge gaps around insect decline and pesticide use
Giant Khavda renewables projects comes online in India, Switzerland calls for UN group for solar geo-engineering, and Google and HSBC team up for clean tech drive
Investors have a responsibility to ensure future generations are left with a planet rich in biodiversity, argues ShareAction's Eve Gleeson
Firms backing the Vertical Farming Manifesto and Identity Statement promise to set industry-wide sustainability standards
The Wildlife Trusts are exploring whether a 2018 decision from the UK Expert Committee on Pesticides could enable a legal challenge
Decision to temporarily lift restrictions of neonicotinoid insecticide on sugar beet crops prompts outcry from public and conservation groups
Agriculture Bill takes a step forward, as a reports emerge of row between Holyrood and Westminster over the government's post-Brexit plans for environmental and food standards
All the green business news from around the world this week