13GW of new wind capacity was added to the grid last year compared to only 0.2GW of new hydro power, new EWEA figures show
Poland could source 25 per cent of its energy from renewables by doubling annual investment to $4.5bn, according to IRENA
Former president says report shows need to transform global energy system, but Eastern European countries dismiss zero emission target
As David Cameron joins the negotiations for a 2030 carbon reduction target, BusinessGreen assesses the key questions raised by the EU's new energy and climate change strategy
Bloc to set up two investment funds to help poorer countries meet post-2020 greenhouse gas targets, as MEPs challenge 'generous' carbon leakage list
Draft shale gas guidelines suggest Commission has ditched plans for legally binding safety regulations
As reports suggest the government could increase payments to those impacted by fracking, Prime Minister pledges to "promote the benefits of shale gas" across Europe
ClientEarth's Alan Andrews welcomes Krakow's plan to crack down on coal pollution
New Polish environment minister says fracking rules will be top priority as Water UK and British shale gas industry form new alliance
COP 19 opens with sobering plea from Philippines' delegation, as NGOs fear coal conference will undermine ambition