Supermarket partners with E.on and Geothermal International to install deep geothermal and ground source heat pump technology at 100 stores
But ground-breaking poll also reveals low levels of public awareness for many clean technologies
Government plans to freeze scheme for the remainder of the financial year should take-up exceed £70m
Consultants find huge resources but warn more substantive subsidies will be needed to reach the UK's potential
Landlords urged to bid for up to £175,000 each to install biomass boilers, heat pumps and solar thermal panels
Government to meet with EDF and British Gas following calls for long-term plan to ensure the deployment of 6.8 million heat pumps
Kings Cross development installs first of three gas-powered CHP units, as Heathrow plans summer launch for Turboden biomass system
New Energy Entrepreneurs Fund designed to help small green businesses bring clean tech ideas to market
Micropower Council urges government to address investor uncertainty over renewable heat incentive cost controls
Global heavyweight first to support public-private Smart Systems and Heat Programme, prime minister announces on Japanese trade mission