New study urges utilities to create bundled products addressing broader needs of consumers
Utility teams up with Wheelabrator Technologies to develop 68MW plant at Ferrybridge, Yorkshire
Heat Strategy aims to reduce UK demand, as ETI seeks partners for £3m consumer behaviour study into UK heat use
EU reveals UK businesses are taking greatest strides in cutting energy and waste, but only a third have developed green products
Communities and social landlords to benefit from £10m RHPP boost, but full-scale domestic Renewable Heat Incentive on hold until mid-2013
Combined heat and power must be exempted from Climate Change Levy to protect jobs, competitiveness and carbon targets, say campaigners
New Carbon Trust guides suggest simple boiler efficiency steps can cut heating costs by 30 per cent
Industry welcomes proposal to increase incentives, but worries promised hike may not be enough to accelerate deployment
Studio to commission Turboden CCHP plant at the end of the month, providing up to 40 per cent of site's energy
Engineers warn skills shortages may undermine efforts to cut impact of built environment