Smart phones are rarely recycled and that's just one reason tech devices are increasing our carbon footprints, says Lotfi BelkhiR from McMaster University
AECOM's Robert Spencer warns that businesses deploying circular economy models need to remember to make the case for the approach, even once it is successfully up and running
Trewin Restorick asks if the real sharing economy could tackle the social, economic, and environmental challenges the UK faces
Green uniform laundry services can help businesses reduce waste and lower costs
Co-leaders Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley use Spring conference speech to dismiss 25 Year Environment Plan as 'desperately disappointing'
From more secure supply chains to a surge in cleantech innovation, the government's plan to reform farming subsidies post-Brexit has implications beyond the farmers' field
Plastic bottles will not be allowed into Worthy Farm for 2019 festival under new waste plans
The experiments involve everything from replacement tires to temporary apartments
Modular homes can be manufactured off-site, producing less waste and lower emissions than traditional building techniques
The legendary designer says it's time to view the economy from the perspective of how much we can give for all we get