More than 500MW of clean power capacity has been paused or cancelled by RWE Innogy following onshore wind policy changes, as clean energy business turns its attention to new markets
German energy giant's supervisory board approves restructure plan which will see its renewable energy, grid and retail business areas pooled in a new subsidiary
German energy giant to emulate rival E.ON with proposed spin out of renewable energy, grids and retail business areas into new subsidiary
State Aid approval granted for plan to turn coal plant into 420MW biomass facility
Construction of Galloper and East Anglia One offshore wind farms will be based at Port of Lowestoft, providing boon to local economy
Giant wind farm off Suffolk coast secures backing of Siemens Financial Services, Green Investment Bank and Macquarie Capital
Innovative power plant can reserve excess electricity as hydrogen for use when generation dips
New wind farms in German North Sea boost RWE's profit from renewables, while group revenue declines
German utility company offers other operators of wind farms access to its 24/7 wind control centre
BT, Tata Steel, McDonald's and Sainsbury's to benefit from new cloud-based energy management software