Joint statement calls for 'rebalancing' of the economy to one which provides enough good jobs while protecting the environment
CDP report finds emissions targets of regional governments are on track for 2020 but ambition needs stepping up in the long-term
Zero Waste Scotland research shows over half of food waste in 2013 came from businesses
MeyGen tidal power project delivers power to the grid for first time, as PTEC Isle of Wight tidal project signs up key suppliers
Company's ninth plant north of the border has 10 turbines with capacity to generate 84,000MWh of power each year, while Infinergy celebrates updated planning approval
Group of MPs says government response to concerns over policy changes not good enough, but new wind projects power on
New guidelines also explain how some recycled items need to be disposed of in certain ways
Construction to start at 14.1MW Edinburgh facility after investment secured and waste disposal contract signed
Financial close reached for Sanquhar Community Wind Farm that is set to supply Nestlé UK operations
Scottish emissions are falling faster than UK average, but more work needed to tackle transport and agriculture emissions