Regulator signals intention to shake up 'not-fit-purpose' grid connection regime
New reports from UKBCSD and National Grid detail how accelerated clean tech transition to drive massive long term economic benefits for the UK
From flexible energy grids to 'hydrogen face mist': BusinessGreen rounds up the most widely read stories on the site this week
Larks Green Solar Farm becomes first project in UK to connect directly to a National Grid substation
New report sets out a series of 'quick wins' that could help tackle one of Europe's longest grid connection queues and put the UK back on track to meet its net zero grid goals
Two separate reports released today by MCS and The Crown Estate celebrate fresh renewable records for both the solar and offshore wind sectors
Renewables generate more electricity than fossil fuels across the EU for the first time over the past six months, as energy-saving measures saved the bloc €12bn
Clean energy investor and developer set up joint venture ISG Renewables to deliver 5GW of solar and battery capacity over next three to five years
Britain Remade campaign warns the planning system is hampering efforts to deliver the 70GW of renewable power needed to ensure energy security for the UK
German energy giant claims acquisition of 6.1GW battery and solar project pipeline will make it one of the UK's leading solar developers