EXCLUSIVE: 44 major energy and investment figures call for rapid action from government given 'magnitude of the task' they face in delivering a net zero grid
Energy giant expects to create 1,000 new green jobs each year as it ramps up commitment to renewables, low carbon grid infrastructure, and flexible power
Energy giant to start construction of battery storage facility next month with a view to it becoming fully operational next year
Record-breaking offshore wind turbine foundation installed at SSE's giant 1.1GW Seagreen project, as project takes another step towards powering 1.6 million homes
SSE flexible generation and energy storage arm brings Europe’s latest gas-fired power station on stream at its site in the Humber
Imperial College London analysis for 2022 points to record breaking year for green energy, but stresses need to 'break our addiction to fossil fuels'
Solar Stewardship Initiative is aiming for full roll out of scheme in December 2024 after pilot and consultation stages
EXCLUSIVE: SSE CEO Alistair Phillips-Davies calls on energy sector peers to ensure net zero workforce is more diverse and inclusive
Companies across global power sector sign Pact to ensure fair net zero transition for workers and communities
Energy giant announces new sustainability goals for 2030 as it pledges to deliver a five-fold increase in renewables output