Judge upholds local resident's appeal against wind farm cabling and substation infrastructure forcing government to formally reconsider plans
Companies to work together to harness heat from waste to energy facilities
New socio-economic research from Oxford Brookes focused on an Aberdeen offshore wind farm suggests developer underestimated the value the project would have for local and Scotland-wide economies
Of seven counties surveyed by Vattenfall, however, UK was the only outlier, where residents now view epidemics as a bigger threat than the climate crisis
New research reveals UK could source two thirds of its power from renewables by 2030, as calls grow for government to accelerate clean energy auction pipeline and introduce green tax breaks
The government yesterday refused development consent for a 34-turbine extension to the Thanet wind farm off the coast of Kent, citing concerns about the project's impact on shipping, ports and marine navigation.
Final decisions on Ørsted and Vattanfall wind energy projects off Norfolk coast have been pushed back until July
Swedish energy giant strikes deal to tap waste heat generated at contentious London waste-to-energy plant and pipe it to 10,500 homes
Boost to UK onshore wind sector as developer confirms construction of South Kyle Wind Farm to start once Covid-19 restrictions are lifted
Major survey carried out by Cardiff University and Climate Outreach finds significant support for climate mitigation policies as almost a quarter site issue as most important facing UK