Jersey-based investment fund aims to snap up wind projects across Europe
Provisional government statistics confirm greenhouse gases now as low as they were in 1890, with wind and solar becoming UK's second biggest source of electricity
Solar capacity is set to double in Brazil in the course of this year, but for a country just emerging from a brutal recession, challenges remain
A number of exciting start-ups are using the latest drone technology to help cut renewable energy costs
New report argues that allowing all renewables technologies top bid for a new form of capacity contract could slash costs for consumers by £600m
The 573MW offshore wind project can now produce enough electricity for half a million UK homes
2.6GW of capacity built in 2017 before subsidies ban industry says will make generation dearer
Geothermal and fuel cells did not get relief, but what's left intact may surprise you
Green groups praise 'another great month for renewables' as wind turbines provide 77 per cent of Scotland's power demand last month
Green energy firm's CEO warns new 7MW onshore wind farm could be England's last due to government's 'effective killing off' of such developments