Britain Remade campaign warns the planning system is hampering efforts to deliver the 70GW of renewable power needed to ensure energy security for the UK
Global renewables industry defies energy crisis to deliver a record 295GW of new capacity, but industry warned step change in deployment rates still required
Welsh Government approves plans for 100MW floating wind farm, amid talk of a £20bn offshore wind opportunity for thre country
State-owned electricity supplier to accelerate plan for net zero nation with 30MW renewables rollout
NIC to investigate why the consenting process for large infrastructure projects such as offshore wind farms can stretch over many years
Danish wind tech firm Vestas hails new era for the industry, as new method of recycling wind turbine blades promises to eliminate landfill disposal across the sector
The cost of European corporate clean power price agreements rose 7.8 per cent in the last quarter of 2021
Every decision made on offshore wind in the coming year could dictate the UK's success in reaching future climate goals, writes Ørsted's Duncan Clark
Research signals significant activity in global clean energy markets in recent months, as investor appetite for renewables continues to grow
Proportion of power derived from gas and coal in Britain fell to record low in 2020, official statistics confirm