As economies emerge from Covid-19, it is crucial governments set their sights on rapid action to curb plastic pollution worldwide, a new UNEP and WRI report implores
A new analysis by WRI has calculated the precise role of seven major agricultural commodities in driving global tree cover loss, but what can be done to turn back the tide?
Food waste is often seen as requiring lifestyle change, but to deliver further progress we must do more to educate industry leaders about the business case for action, writes WRI's Liz Goodwin
Canteens at firm's New York and New Jersey offices will boost number of plant-based meal options, cutting out meat entirely every Monday
WRI's Kevin Moss argues plastics were once seen as nature's friend, but attitudes have changed and business models must change too
Scale of challenge to feed growing population while cutting emissions is greater than previously thought, finds WRI report
YouGov poll of CEOs and execs from companies adopting science-based emissions targets highlights cost and reputational gains from setting ambitious climate goals
Research led by the global Champions 12.3 initiative found hotels saved $7 for every $1 invested in measures to reduce food waste
Projects undertaken by Prince of Wales' International Sustainability Unit to be merged with WRI