WWF's Gareth Redmond-King sets out five essential policy actions needed to tackle the climate emergency
Extreme weather contributed to losses of up to £161m for Scotland's farmers in 2018, offering a sign of the challenges climate change will create for businesses, even in temperate climates
WWF's Gareth Redmond-King argues that the business community needs to be as vocal on climate action as it has been on the even more divisive issue of Brexit
Food and drink giant are working on a pioneering pilot project to extend science based emissions targets to cover wider environmental issues
Respected environmental campaigner to take up role at independent advisory body, as questions over budget cuts and post-Brexit position continue
Major corporates, including Unilever, Heathrow Airport, Tesco, Coca-Cola Europe, join NGOs in calling on EU to endorse net zero vision
The threat climate change poses to Britain's food producers is yet another reason to act on emissions, argues WWF's Gareth Redmond-King
COP24 hammered home the fact that time is running out, argues Gareth Redmond-King - is it time to think more seriously about workable loss and damage policies?
In our latest SDG case study, BusinessGreen talks to Tesco about a four-year partnership the aims to halve environmental impact of a weekly shop - but 'without telling people what to eat'
New study from WWF suggests net zero emissions by 2045 is possible for the UK - provided changes in industry, energy and lifestyle roll out nationwide