Downward pressure on PPA prices presents 'welcome news' for corporate renewable energy buyers in Europe, according to latest analysis from LevelTen
Government urged to reform farming subsidy scheme to better protect upland areas through upcoming Land Use Framework
France-headquartered demand response firm says investment will aim to develop 5GW of capacity for UK residential and commercial buildings over next five years
Bus manufacturer launches two electric buses and two trucks under its new Rightech brand
New collaboration aims to assess the state of nature on all Waitrose's own-brand farms by 2026
Analysis of on-farm interventions argues nature-based solutions are more effective than tech-based interventions in reducing emissions reduction while delivering biodiversity gains
New initiative launched by Hubbub and Reposit aims to encourage reuse of borrowed cups as part of Glasgow-wide trial
Greening kits could help safeguard vulnerable communities from the impacts of a rapidly changing environment, according to a new project led by the University of Surrey
Solution allows customers to assign carbon fees to air travel and invest those funds in low carbon technologies such as sustainable aviation fuels
Grid company claims new Takeuchi TB20e electric mini-excavators are successfully eliminating CO2, NOx, and PM2.5 emissions