Analysis by Wildlife and Countryside Link finds only a fraction of expected land has been supported for nature recovery through the Biodiversity Net Gain scheme since its launch last year
Pioneering investors supported the beginnings of the renewable energy sector back in the 1980s - we now need similar support for nature projects today, writes Simon Crichton from Triodos Bank UK
Britain's biggest solar project looks set to be a central battleground in Labour's war against the 'blockers' – could major planning reform enhance or damage support for net zero?
Analysts forecast drop in fossil-fuelled power output, Ecuador signs deal for $30m in climate finance, and the DRC is set to create Earth's largest protected tropical forest reserve
Twenty-five-year deal would enable Chestnut Carbon to reforest 60,000 acres of land in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, reports claim
The Tree Council and Network Rail aim to plant thousands more trees across the country, as their partnership is renewed for another five years
Government urged to reform farming subsidy scheme to better protect upland areas through upcoming Land Use Framework
Ministers claim reforms to system of Marine Protected Areas can help deliver up to 13 new offshore wind farm projects
New collaboration aims to assess the state of nature on all Waitrose's own-brand farms by 2026
Filipino actress and Eco-Uling founder reflects on how resourcefulness laid the foundation for her understanding of sustainability, and why innovation often begins at local levels