Retrofitting housing is a long term, national infrastructure project with millions of clients - yet it is missing from the UK's Industrial Strategy green paper, writes Arup's Becci Taylor
As the government looks to ramp up housebuilding, it is a timely moment to think about how all of these homes are heated and cooled, writes Genuit Group's Martin Gisbourne
New analysis reveals just 43 local authorities have completed homes to Passivhaus standards
Air source heat pumps could heat homes of the future for as little as £1.84 on a typical winter day, study from Bellway and University of Salford concludes
Cardiff facility deploys mix of green hydrogen, solar PV, and battery storage to decarbonise 50 year old factory
A step-change in our approach to energy efficiency in the built environment is urgently needed if efficiency and climate goals are to be met, writes Sam Kimmins, director of energy at the Climate Group
Replicating green finance schemes that are already up and running in Ireland, Belgium, and Germany could turbocharge demand for energy efficiency upgrades, the Green Finance Institute suggests
Inefficient homes are costing Brits an average of £299 a year in additional energy costs, as majority of households back proposals for mandatory solar panels on new homes
Partner Insight: Decarbonising the built environment is crucial to meeting global climate goals
At a recent event hosted by Equans UK & Ireland senior executives explored how businesses and public sector bodies need to get a better grip on escalating climate risks