Velux Group CEO Lars Petersson welcomes recent efforts from EU and UK policymakers to advance a healthier, lower-carbon built environment
Rooftop solar rollout at UK national library to cut carbon emissions by 55 tonnes a year
After the wettest 18 months on record, the Environment Agency has today urged people to sign up for flood warnings and develop a flood plan
Listings company calls for financial support for landlords to deliver green upgrades to properties, arguing rental market could otherwise contract
Government urged by Green Alliance and Wellcome Trust to incorporate health risks into national climate adaptation plan
Local authority, housing association, health, and education sector projects awarded funds under government's Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES)
Bank and energy firm team up to offer new financing deals to support the installation of energy-saving clean technologies
Floating forests and aquatic habitats aim to provide blueprint for biodiversity improvements in city environments
Campaigners warn of worsening fuel poverty this winter, as energy prices increase and energy efficiency schemes remain underpowered
A commitment to developing green and socially sustainable buildings can help real estate developers and investors win out in the war for talent, writes BGO's Alexander Morris