Industry group calls on government to invest £78m a year in plant-based and cultivated meat research and development through to 2030
Fresh funding round to help Dutch food tech firm launch first cultivated meat range from next year
But fast-expanding industry warns public research funding is not being matched by coherent policy strategy to accelerate development of crucial low carbon sector
New market data suggests sales of many plant-based alternative foods have contracted over the past year, but the sector remains bullish that long term growth can be restored
Researchers calculate planetary, social, and economic impacts of ramping up investments in meat alternatives
Ditching 'vegan' labels, embracing sensory language, and specifying protein sources hailed as recipe for expanding the alternative meat market
The landmark FDA approval of meat grown from animal cells for human consumption in the US has raised the stakes for the alternative proteins market - but is sector set to sizzle in 2023?
Agency teams up with Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council to launch new funding competition.
Food and Drug Administration clears cultivated meat product for human consumption for the first time
Investor-backed initiatives debut standardised ESG reporting guidelines for plant-based meats and alternative protein sector