Over 300 companies have now committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2040 - 10 years ahead of most national targets
New report comes as Greenpeace reveals continued lobbying by soya suppliers against EU's landmark rainforest protection law
Joel Makower gets the inside track on Amazon's new sustainable product line
Climate-aware and eco-friendly clothing, homeware, and personal care products form part of major new product line from the tech and retail giant
Deforestation in the Amazon hit a record high last month - We Mean Business Coalition CEO Maria Mendiluce sets out how companies can help reverse the trend
Venture will see online retail giant work with Europe's largest public-private innovation partnership
Sainsbury's and Carrefour among group of top European supermarkets to announce boycott of Brazilian beef after investigation links products from JBS to deforestation in the Amazon, Cerrado, and Pantanal
Latest flurry of power purchase agreements across US and Europe brings Amazon's total procured renewables capacity to 12GW worldwide
Amazon's 50MW Scottish onshore wind farm now in operation thanks to PPA with ScottishPower Renewables
Nine global corporates back new ambition statement that sees them commit to transitioning their freight vessels to zero carbon fuels by 2040