Further support unveiled for local authorities to recruit ecologists and specialists to protect habits during building work, as Defra reveals statutory biodiversity credit prices
The UK Green Building Council mobilises team of experts to develop guidance on embodied carbon emissions, as it also unveils support documents ahead of new UK biodiversity net gain rules on their way later this year
Developers will have to show how their housing and commercial plans will achieve a 10 per cent net gain in biodiversity from November 2023 under new rules
Ground Control's Jason Knights charts the ways firms can take action to protect and enhance the UK's natural capital, regardless of whether they have access to green space or not
Brewing giant claims regenerative agriculture programme is among largest ever in Ireland and will help tackle climate change and biodiversity loss
Developers would need to ensure new buildings improve local biodiversity, or invest in nature-projects to offset impacts elsewhere
Lightrock Power has pledged to achieve at least a 20 per cent improvement in biodiversity value at all its developments
The biodiversity net-gain requirement is among the most important conservation policy initiatives of the last two decades, argues Environment Bank chairman and founder Professor David Hill CBE
UK government should introduce secondary legislation and guidance that can provide further clarity about how the biodiversity offset market will work and be policed, according to The Nature Conservancy
Atkins' associate director and technical authority for biodiversity and natural capital Claire Wansbury highlights the many benefits of targeting environmental net gain