When biodiversity is threatened it's not just the animals at risk, warns WWF's Gareth Redmond-King
An Environment Agency project found nature-based activities boosted mental well-being and nature awareness - could businesses benefit too?
The huge loss is a tragedy in itself but also threatens the survival of civilisation, say the world's leading scientists
New Westminster caucus organised by Conservative Environment Network will bring together green-minded MPs, Cabinet Ministers, and Committee chairs to address environmental issues
'People's Manifesto for Wildlife' urges government, businesses, and individuals to wake up to dramaatic decline in UK species
Saving endangered species is just one of the ways technology can help improve the world, says techUK's Susanne Baker
Think tanks call on government to allocate money from international aid budget to tackle illegal wildlife trade, deforestation, and climate change
Beauty retailer makes progress on biodiversity protections and community trade, but slower gains in sustainable packaging, energy efficiency, and green power
They're called low-power wide-area networks — LPWANs — and they're changing how we can collect data
Bank announces new policy as WWF poll shows seven in 10 consumers would consider ditching banks that fund environmentally damaging projects in World Heritage sites