Campaign led by Conservative think tank Bright Blue claims government is far off meeting its 2015 target of planting 11 million trees by 2020
Will the UK maintain strong environmental protections alongside support for sustainable farming post-Brexit?
Government advisory body says 25 Year Environment Plan should be legally binding and consistent with Climate Change Committee recommendations
Delegates from 24 nations and the EU vote unanimously to make the Ross Sea a Marine Protected Area after five years of negotiations
Defra Secretary uses wide-ranging conference speech to name-check key green achievements and pledges to deliver a 'tailored' approach to environmental protections post-Brexit
State of Nature reveals the destructive impact of intensive farming, urbanisation and climate change on plants, animals and habitats
Government countryside assessment paints a 'grim picture' with key species such as hedgehogs, dormice, birds and butterflies all continuing to decrease in number
More than 80 per cent of British public want to see UK government maintain or improve EU rules that protect our natural environment post-Brexit
Leaked documents and sources show Natural England will use its legal powers less and seek funding from the private companies it is meant to keep in check
New poll suggests more than half of UK public want to see higher environmental standards for UK environment post-Brexit