Barker promises environmental stewardship can help deliver a more productive manufacturing and financial economy in the UK
Boris Johnson tells BBC's Countryfile British fishing industry would be better off without 'crazy' EU regulation, as David Cameron claims fish stocks are recovering and value of UK industry is rising
Charities say Brexit would mean ‘years of uncertainty', as David Cameron pledges to protect birds and habitats directives
Organisation behind $10m San Cristóbal Wind Project says it has slashed diesel imports by millions of litres
New survey of sustainability professionals reveals two-thirds believe Brexit could reduce or remove altogether the role environmental concerns play in infrastructure decisions
RSPB's Vision 2050 assesses whether UK can meet its climate targets while avoiding damage to wildlife and plant populations
Industry-backed study finds fields with solar arrays increase plant and bird diversity and have greater numbers of butterflies and bumblebees
CSIRO's Pep Canadell and Yingping Wang warn that hopes global 'greening' could offset the negative impacts of climate change will prove wide of the mark
Energy services company Anesco joins forces with wildlife charity to increase numbers of birds, bees and butterflies at its solar sites
Boris Johnson pledges 40,000 more ‘pollution-busting' trees for London