Prime Minister announces £9.7bn of inward infrastructure investment, as government launches new £400m public-private clean tech innovation fund
Heat and Buildings Strategy promises to phase out traditional gas boilers, but critics argue plans remain badly under-funded
Ed Miliband tells Prime Minister to 'get off sun lounger and start being a statesman' or COP26 will fail
Boris Johnson's conference speech contained some encouraging rhetoric for the green economy, but the lack of tangible policies and strange silence on the net zero will leave business leaders feeling nervous
The world’s largest offshore wind farm currently under construction in Teeside is set to become a symbol of COP26
Conservative Party Conference speech highlights importance of COP26, but fails to deliver fresh policy announcements or expected 2035 zero carbon grid pledge
The Times reports Boris Johnson will use his conference speech this week to confirm a new target to ensure all power comes from clean sources by 2035
UK aid from the Biodiverse Landscapes Fund earmarked for six projects in fragile ecosystems around the world
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's speech at the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly
UK Prime Minister delivers passionate paean to green economy in major climate speech at UN General Assembly