New wave of funding announced to help bring hydrogen, CCS, and nuclear technologies to market
The world's top climate scientists have updated their guidance on carbon removals technologies, arguing they are likely to prove essential to stablising global temperatures, but only if they are developed judiciously
Environmental Audit Committee argues that net zero target loophole could undermine efforts to encourage heavy industries to prioritise cutting emissions
Reports suggest Shell is planning to invest up to £25bn in primarily low carbon infrastructure in the UK, as BP confirms £1bn EV charging spending plan
Only through deep decarbonisation alongside a massive ramp up in CO2 removal projects can the world keep its 1.5C goal within reach, Energy Transitions Commission warns
Aviation biofuels producer and petrochemicals giant join consortium aiming to deliver 'world's first' net zero industrial cluster by 2040
Petrochemicals giant is planning to convert Scottish oil refinery into major blue hydrogen hub using CCS and other technologies
Plus EU beats renewables target, Shell faces CCS concerns, New Zealand's first electric ferry and all the top green business news from around the world this week
After it was sidelined in UK government's zero carbon cluster funding plans, the Scottish government has moved to provide financial support to the country's flagship carbon capture project
Pharmaceuticals giant teams up with Future Biogas to help develop 125GWh biomethane plant fitted with carbon capture technology