Environment Secretary to kick off new competition, as government confirms plans for two new Community Forests in Derbyshire and the Tees Valley
Defra now reconsidering whether to make food waste data reporting mandatory for businesses, just months after ruling out the move in favour of voluntary measures
New government grant aims to help farmers reduce pollution and make better use of nutrients
National Audit Office warns the number of properties set to receive improved flood protection has been slashed by 40 per cent, leaving thousands of homes at risk
Lee Rowley named as 16th Housing Minister since 2010, as new Ministers appointed at Defra, the Department for Transport, and the Treasury
Therese Coffey replaced by Stephen Barclay, as Rishi Sunak launches wide-ranging reshuffle that is set to bring in a number of new Ministers to green roles
Defra says new 'simpler' system will tackle complexity and confusion, help boost recycling rates, and prevent 'excessive bins'
Households to face higher bills under water sector proposals to deliver record investment to tackle pollution and boost security of supply
New eco-labels could slash water use by 20 per cent by 2038 and save more than £250m on bills, government claims
Innovative projects to receive funding to develop technologies to predict strawberry yield, increase vineyard productivity, and optimise harvesting schedules