Research from the Centre for Ageing Better and think tank Demos finds network of 'Good Home Hubs' could help UK improve housing stock and meet climate goals
New homes for Harrogate Housing Association to feature range of clean technologies and energy efficiency measures
Almost half of decision-makers quizzed by PwC are now aiming to reach net zero this decade, but cost of efficiency measures and surging demand for clean power could hamper progress
Experts call for accelerated rollout of energy efficiency measures and renewables to reduce reliance on expensive, risky gas that is anticipated to push up bills in April
Drones to scan houses and track heat losses, slashing the cost of identifying which homes are in most need of energy efficiency improvements
Salesforce, Hugging Face, Cohere, and Carnegie Mellon University launch public ratings for more than 200 commonly-used AI models
Private landlords will need to ensure properties achieve an EPC rating of C or above by 2030 under proposals launched for consultation today
Partner Insight: Supporting grid resilience through smarter energy use and participation in flexibility schemes
Partner Insight: From smart meters to SaaS solutions, discover how new technologies are revolutionising energy management for businesses
Nearly 40 businesses suspended from installing insulation under schemes inherited from the last government