Government announces £30m boost for Boiler Upgrade Scheme, as it confirms plans to tweak heat pump planning rules, update Clean Heat Mechanism, and introduce higher efficiency standards for rented homes
Listings company calls for financial support for landlords to deliver green upgrades to properties, arguing rental market could otherwise contract
Campaigners warn of worsening fuel poverty this winter, as energy prices increase and energy efficiency schemes remain underpowered
Lighting, water, and heating upgrades, including Royal Mail's first gas-free heating system, are set to provide 3,500 tonnes of carbon savings
Company relaunches electric blanket scheme, with an extra 20,000 free blankets on offer this winter
Energy Systems Catapult calls on government to turn tide on excess winter deaths and back a national trial of its warm home prescribing service
Fuel poverty in England has not fallen 'to any meaningful extent' in five years, Committee on Fuel Poverty warns
Consortium aims to decarbonise up to 1,000 social homes managed by Places for People by developing 'blueprint' for green retrofit funding model
New survey reveals nearly one in 10 people have been left feeling unwell as a result of overheating in their home
Banking firm teams up with Octopus Energy and Effective Home to offer mortgage customers cashback on heat pumps, solar panels and insulation installations