Proposals for more robust assessment of supply chain plans from developers seeking clean power contracts unveiled by government
The government dedicates six pages of its new report into the benefits of Brexit to net zero, climate, and environment policy - but do Ministers' boasts stand up to scrutiny?
Plus EU beats renewables target, Shell faces CCS concerns, New Zealand's first electric ferry and all the top green business news from around the world this week
Carbon pricing has always been a thorny political issue, but as Ministers weigh how to drive the next phase of the net zero transition some experts believe it has a critical role to play
European Central Bank has urged banks to step up their climate risk assessments, after major benchmarking exercise reveals sector is poorly prepared for escalating impacts
Andrew Warren explores the EU Commission's ambition to include European shipping in its emissions trading scheme
The EU's new 'Fit for 55' decarbonisation package is far from perfect, but it is still an historic step forward for global climate action
Ahead of publication of imminent 'Fit for 55' legislative package, leading business groups call on Brussels to accelerate green recovery
Plus Biden's draft budget plans, France's plant-based diet plan, and all the rest of the top green business news from around the world this week