Reports the budget for the Environmental Land Management Scheme could be cut has united farmers, green campaigners, and former Environment Secretaries in warning the UK's climate goals could be put at risk
Think tank brands 2024 a 'year to forget' as analysis of government data forecasts one of the worst three harvests since 1983 for key crops
The total subsidy available to farmers that adopt and maintain sustainable farming practices is set to be cut, according to reports in the Guardian
Humans rely on a very narrow selection of plant and animal food products, but mounting research suggests more diversity could boost local and regional economies
Natural England study suggests Agri-Environment Schemes are boosting biodiversity - but warns 'finite land’ under pressure to deliver on multiple fronts
Inflation may have fallen, but a new report highlights how the UK's high dependency on fossil fuel and food imports leaves it at major risk of climate-related price shocks
The very first farmers hundreds of thousands of years ago often made landscapes even more biodiverse, which may offer lessons for rewilding efforts today, argue Jonathan D. Gordon and Brennen Fagan from the University of York
The shift from direct payments to nature-friendly subsidy incentives promises to transform farming in England, but the transition currently faces 'widespread uncertainty and risk', the NAO has warned
Retail giant to reward members of newly formed producer group for adopting regenerative farming techniques and cutting greenhouse gad emissions
More than one-in-10 areas of prime, grade one, farmland hit by at least one flood warning during winter 2023, new analysis finds