A new report suggests zonal pricing could slash energy costs by up to £5bn a year, but leading trade bodies maintain radical reforms to the electricity market could backfire
Average home to see energy bills climb once again to £1,849 a year, as government promises more support for fuel poor households
Grid operator unveils multi-million-pound affordability fund to help UK households struggling with energy costs
Energy provider partners with National Energy Action to support those in fuel poverty with new solar sharing solution
Company relaunches electric blanket scheme, with an extra 20,000 free blankets on offer this winter
Fuel poverty in England has not fallen 'to any meaningful extent' in five years, Committee on Fuel Poverty warns
Multi-million-pound project will see improvements made to council and privately-owned British Iron and Steel Federation (BISF) homes in the Rumney area of the city
Research outlines myriad benefits of pairing community energy projects with a local roll out of heat pump technologies
Business group argues burgeoning green economy is critical to future UK growth prospects, after far outperforming wider UK economy that has stagnated in recent years
Package of measures to help customers 'make the most of cheap, low carbon power' through flexible tariffs announced as Ofgem confirms slight drop in energy price cap