Findings deliver blow to claims that heat pumps will only be able to decarbonise certain types of homes
Plans to convert more than one million homes and 50,000 non-domestic buildings to zero emissions heating in Scotland by 2030 unveiled
All subsidies for heating systems that undermine the UK’s climate goals must come to an end, analysts warn
Winlaton in Gateshead becomes first UK community to receive hydrogen blend in their gas supplies via the public gas network
Proposal reportedly mooted for inclusion in Hydrogen Strategy, but campaigners warn low carbon hydrogen should be earmarked for decarbonising heavy industry rather than domestic heating
Reports reveal the government is actively considering carbon dividend plans that would help lower income households cope with any increase in energy bills
Manufacturer confirms it will begin producing air-to-water heat pumps at flagship UK plant after seeing 'record demand' for the zero emission heating solution
Food cold chain sustainability projects clinches funded as part of £2.9m award to University of Birmingham to support energy-related projects
BEIS announces fresh funding support for three low carbon heat districts and 11 projects geared at decarbonising heating and cooling
A quarter of UK homes and businesses are said to be situated on former coalfields, according to Mine Energy Taskforce