The strength of UK innovation means it will continue to lead the world in climate action post-Brexit, argues Earth Capital's Jim Totty
UK industry must prepare for the radical supply chain changes deep decarbonisation will bring, argues Victoria Sinclair of ScottishPower Renewables
The Committee on Climate Change's net zero report was missing a trick on two crucial issues, argues Climate-KIC's Andy Kerr
Energy giant is on the hunt for UK entrepreneurs with solutions to keep electricity grid running in face of extreme weather caused by climate change
New Breakthrough Energy Ventures Europe fund aims to bring radically new clean energy technologies to the market
Government earmarks new funding for 'national centre of excellence' in battery technology
Partnership aims to accelerate the development of technology for Atlantis's marine renewables business, including second stage of the high profile MeyGen project
Men's grooming brand King of Shaves launches new refillable range
The best in green business from across the UK will be celebrated at this year's Leaders Awards, with the most competitive finalist line-up to date
'Hertfordshire Innovation Quarter' hopes to lure environmental technology, agri-tech, and modern construction companies to new low-carbon 'Enterprise Zone'