Energy giant reveals plan to undertake energy efficiency upgrades for empty homes in a bid to demonstrate such projects should be eligible for ECO support
Government to allocate portion of £100m fund to next phase of GDHIF, after sudden closure of incentive scheme this summer
Study finds UK among four member states compliant with Energy Efficiency Directive, but green building industry criticises 'piecemeal approach' across Europe
Campaign group says making home insulation a national infrastructure priority would increase UK GDP by £14bn and create 108,000 jobs
Government comes under fire for promising homeowners savings through energy efficiency scheme as new figures spark fears over Home Improvement Fund
Industry insiders highlight a worrying trend of cutbacks across the energy efficiency sector after NWS became the latest installer to go bust
New report backed by Green Investment Bank shows growing demand for energy saving measures from offices, schools and public buildings
New study identifies potential for corporates to cut energy bills with solar PV
Andrew Warren warns that an imminent EU ruling on VAT charged on energy-saving products could have grave implications for the energy efficiency sector
Dave Sowden wonders whether the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats will match Labour’s Fairy Godmother offer