Survey finds strong support for government plans to prevent landlords from renting out low efficiency buildings, but is more action needed?
Insulation companies say they have been forced to make redundancies because of late payments from Green Deal Home Improvement Fund
EXCLUSIVE: GDFC considers direct sales and marketing business model in a drive to increase energy efficiency installations
Energy-efficiency industry calls on government to launch probe into sudden closure of £120m Green Deal Home Improvement Fund
Elan Hair Design, BusinessGreen Leaders Award winner for energy efficiency project of the year, reveals how it shaved its energy bills by over 80 per cent in one year
EXCLUSIVE: Domestic & General Insulation withdraws from energy efficiency market, saying it has struggled to adapt to sweeping market changes
New figures show number of energy saving measures carried out has fallen sharply in past year
Coalition of industry and green groups warns that energy efficiency risks are being overlooked in National Infrastructure Plan
Green refurb of 110 Embarcodero will see 7,800 pairs of jeans used as insulation within its walls
Marks & Spencer, Whitbread, Mitsubishi and others demand clarity over private rental sector energy standards ahead of Queen's Speech today