Catch up on all the green business developments from the Lima climate summit
Christiana Figueres says COP20 climate change talks in Peru must 'write history'
Brazil reports 18 per cent drop in Amazon clearance as Indonesian president prepares to crack down on logging companies
Brussels will require ship owners to track CO2 from 2018 as first step to tackling sector's growing emissions
Market should mature by 2020, officials say, helping China to peak emissions by 2030 in line with landmark deal
World Bank will only fund coal projects in cases of ‘extreme need’ due to the risk climate change poses to ending world poverty, says Jim Yong Kim
Green Climate Fund pledging conference in Berlin falls just short of $10bn target
Report warns global CO2 emissions may have to hit zero soon after the middle of the century if world is to stay within 2C temperature rise
$10bn pledged for Green Climate Fund to help countries cope with global warming falls short of original commitment, say UN observers
Leaders must send strong signal at Paris climate change conference to deliver four-fold increase in clean energy investment, Fatih Birol warns