Latest Marine Stewardship Council annual report shows UK shoppers have continued to opt for sustainable fish despite cost of living pressures
Succorfish completes successful trial of underwater acoustic technology that aims to help catch lost fishing nets
Almost 150 changes to fishing practices have been made since 2001, according to fresh research from the Marine Stewardship Council
Company announces it has become the only leading supermarket to sell 100 per cent MSC certified and pole and line caught tuna
Marine Stewardship Council survey reveals more people than ever are recognising that their food choices can affect the future of the oceans
The new tuna brand, launched in collaboration with the Nature Conservancy, will become Walmart's new own-brand canned tuna
New research reveals that seafood companies that have been certified as eco-friendly can increase in market value by an average of $23 million 20 days after certification
Investigation indicates UK shoppers may be indirectly and unknowingly consuming wild fish in their farmed fish products
Ocean charities hope to replicate the success of Veganuary campaign with new challenge for consumers to consume no fish in February