Global investors can and should harness their huge influence to promote environmentally and socially just practices in the mining sector as the clean energy transition takes hold, fresh research argues
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre accuses miners of in-demand transition minerals of a 'lack of basic respect for human and environmental rights'
Investors urged by Planet Tracker to avoid 'significant destruction to corporate value and natural capital’
Coal Authority and Historic England back £1.6m study to explore potential for harnessing heat from disused mines for new district heating networks
Developer of UK's first geothermal power plant sets out plan to extract commercial quantities of critical battery mineral from underground brines
New report from charity warns of increased reliance on supply chains that have been accused of human rights failings
New report from Energy Transitions Commission assesses feasibility of mineral, land, and water requirements resulting from the global shift to a clean energy system
IEA executive director Fatih Birol says agency is 'encouraged' by mining industry investment trends, but warns there is no room for complacency if climate targets are to be met
A new report from McKinsey sets out how businesses and government can work together pre-empt potential shortfalls in supplies of nickel and rare earth minerals
Project expected to produce enough lithium to meet roughly two-thirds of Britain's estimated battery demand