Retrofitting the UK's historic buildings could increase economic output by £35bn a year and create over 100,000 new jobs, according to a report from leading herigate bodies and property specialists
Nature charities unite to launch 'the People's Plan for Nature' in a bid to push back against proposals to dilute environmental policies
A group of landowners managing a third of UK land have committed to using their land effectively to accelerate the country’s climate goals
City leaders from around the world commit to 'just transition', as protesters criticise pace of UK climate action
Water quality, air quality, nature protection, and the decarbonisation of the housing sector have all been damaged by deregulation and the erosion of enforcement capacity, according to a damning new report from Unchecked UK
Defra has reiterated its intention to ban rotational burning on peat bogs, but has still yet to offer a timetable of action
"We need to step forward and leave our own legacy" says director general Hilary McGrady on charity's 125th anniversary
Charity loses patience with fossil fuel firms and says it will shift its investments towards supporting green businesses
Warmer weather has been good for some of the UK's flora and fauna, while others have suffered or almost disappeared completely